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HR Services

Employment Law Services for Your Business

We can help your business in the following ways

Staff Problems: Disciplinary, Capability and Grievance Procedures

We appreciate that you might never have needed to discipline a member of staff before or don't know how to deal with an employee who is perpetually absent or underperforming. As well as drafting procedures for you to follow, we can coach you through the process or even carry out an investigation for you. We'll advise whether your approach is likely to be considered reasonable and discuss the risks of an Employment Tribunal claim

Settlement Agreements and Negotiated Exits

We get to know you, your business and your staff roles before drafting bespoke Contracts of Employment and Policies and Procedures for Employee Handbooks. We can also draft Directors' Service Contracts and Consultancy Agreements. As well as drafting documents from scratch, we can carry out an audit of your existing paperwork and let you know what needs amending.

Business Transfers, Outsourcing and TUPE

TUPE is perhaps the most complicated aspect of Employment law and can apply in many situations involving business sales, property transactions, outsourcing and public sector contracts. We can advise on the risks of TUPE applying to the transaction, and where it does help with provision of Employee Liability Information, due diligence, informing and consulting employees and agreeing appropriate warranties and indemnities. Where there is a dispute over whether TUPE applies, we can assist in corresponding with the other party and advise on the merits of defending or settling claims by emplovees

Redundancy and Restructuring

Restructuring and redundancy situations are never easy. The last thing the business needs in difficult times is further liability. We can help you get it right, consulting with employees over changes where necessary and designing fair redundancy processes when staff need to be let go. Where restructuring or redundancy leads to disputes with employees, we can advise on the merits of defending or settling Employment Tribunal claims.

Leave and Flexible Working for Parents and Carers

Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Shared Parental Leave and more with various forms of leave available for both mums and dads, dutie to pregnant staff and expectant fathers and the right for any employee to request flexible working, it can be difficult to negotiate the minefield of legislation in this area. We are expert in this field and can answer your questions, no matter how trivial or complex.

Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Discrimination

To successfully defend Employment Tribunal claims for discrimination or harassment, it can be necessary to show that the emplover took all reasonable steps to prevent staff from discriminating against, harassing or victimising their colleagues. That starts with an Equal Opportunities Policy but does not end there. As discrimination is our specialist area, we can help you not only by drafting appropriate policies but by coaching you when staff raise complaints and Grievances about discrimination or harassment and advising on the merits of settling or defending Employment Tribunal claims.

Defending an Employment Tribunal Claim

Employment Tribunal claims harm your business: they have not only a financial cost but drain management time and focus away from where it matters. We will give you commercial advice on the merits of settling or defending a claim, and help you mount a robust defence where appropriate. As well as going on record at the Employment Tribunal, we can give unbundled advice and help you draft documents whilst you represent yourself. Our considerable advocacy experience means that we know exactly what Employment Tribunal Judges expect and can ensure that your case is expertly prepared.

Unfair Dismissal

Fear of an Unfair Dismissal claim can handcuff decision making. We hear tales of Employment Consultancies advising so defensively that organisations have not dismissed staff caught with their hand in the till. Our advice is commercial, assessing the real risk of an Unfair Dismissal claim rather than seeking to exclude the possibility altogether by retaining staff who need to go. As well as advising in formal disciplinary and capability situations, we can discuss protected conversations. If facing an Employment Tribunal claim for Unfair

Modern Office


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